New Acquisitions SY 2023-2024 as of Sept. 8, 2023 /cgi-bin/koha/ RSS feed for public list New Acquisitions SY 2023-2024 as of Sept. 8, 2023 Diary of wimpy kid by Kinney, Jeff, /cgi-bin/koha/ It's OK to be different by Purtill, Sharon /cgi-bin/koha/ Little Lucy & her little white lies by Huggins, Leigha /cgi-bin/koha/ Loyola kids book of Catholic signs & symbols : by Welborn, Amy, /cgi-bin/koha/ Loyola kids book of heroes / by Welborn, Amy. /cgi-bin/koha/ The Ship of the Dead / by Riordan, Rick, /cgi-bin/koha/