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1. Age of exploration / John R. Hale and the editors of Time-Life books

by Hale, John R | Editors of Time-Life Books.

Publisher: New York ; Time Incorporated ; c1966Availability: Items available for loan: High School Library [Call number: Cir 940 H13 1966] (1).

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2. Mysterious regions / Beppie, Harrison

by Harrison, Beppie.

Publisher: London ; Aldus Books Limited c1979Availability: Items available for loan: High School Library [Call number: Cir 500.9 M24m 1979 ] (1).

3. Female explorers' atlas text and illustrations by Riccardo Francaviglia and Margherita Sgarlata

by Francaviglia, Riccardo | Sgarlata, Margherita.

Publisher: Milan, Italy White Star Kids c2019Availability: Items available for loan: Grade School Library [Call number: Ref. 910 9252 F814f 2019] (1).