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1. Mouseford academy mice on the runway text by Thea Stilton ; illustrations by Chiara Balleello, Barbara Pellizzari, and Francesco Castelli ; translated by Julia Heim.

by Stilton, Thea | Balleello, Chiara | Pellizzari, Barbara | Castelli, Francesco | Heim, Julia.

Publisher: New York, U.S.A. : Scholastic Inc., C2016Availability: Items available for loan: Grade School Library [Call number: Fic. S8579m 2016 Bk.12] (1), Play Library [Call number: PLib Fic. St8579m 2016 Bk.12] (1).

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2. Spring collection / Judith Krantz.

by Krantz, Judith.

Publisher: New York : Crown Publishers, Inc. c1996Availability: Items available for loan: High School Library [Call number: Fic K863 1996] (1).