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1. Welcome to Moldy Manor Geronimo Stilton ; illustrations by Carolina Livio (design), Riccardo Sisti (ink), and Valentina Grassini (color) ; translated by Andrea Schaffer.

by Stilton, Geronimo | Livio, Carolina | Schaffer, Andrea.

Publisher: New York Scholastic Inc. 2015Availability: Items available for loan: Grade School Library [Call number: Fic. St548w 2015 Bk.#59] (2).

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2. Thea Stilton and the Niagara splash / Thea Stilton ; illustrations by Barbara Pellizzari and Flavio Ferron ; translated by Andrea Schaffer.

by Stilton, Thea | Pellizzari, Barbara | Ferron, Flavio | Schaffer, Andrea.

Publisher: New York, U.S.A. : Scholastic, Inc. C2018Availability: Items available for loan: Grade School Library [Call number: Fic. S8579n 2018] (1), Play Library [Call number: Fic. S8579n 2018] (1).

3. The ship of secrets : the tenth adventure in the kingdom of fantasy / Geronimo Stilton ; illustrations by Silvia Bigolin, Carla De Bernardi, Alessandro Muscillo, Federico Brusco, and Piemme's Archives ; translated by Andrea Schaffer.

by Stilton, Geronimo | Dami, Elisabetta | Bigolin, Silvia | De Bernardi, Carla | Muscillo, Alessandro | Brusco, Federico | Schaffer, Andrea.

Edition: First [English language] edition.Availability: Items available for loan: Grade School Library [Call number: Fic. St548s 2017 [Bk.10]] (1).

4. Geronimo on ice! Geronimo Stilton ; illustrations by Danilo Loizedda and Daria Cerchi ; translated by Andrea Schaffer.

by Stilton, Geronimo | Loizedda, Danilo | Cerchi, Daria | Schaffer, Andrea.

Publisher: New York Scholastic, Inc. 2019Availability: Items available for loan: Grade School Library [Call number: Fic. St548g 2019 Bk.#71] (1).