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1. The astronomy book / Rob Colson and David John , editors

by Colson, Rob, ed | John, David, ed.

Publisher: London ; Dorling Kindersley Ltd. ; c2017Availability: Items available for loan: High School Library [Call number: Cir 520 As89 2017] (1).

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2. The art book / Richard Gilbert, et al..., editors

by Gilbert, Richard , ed.

Publisher: London ; Dorling Kindersley Ltd. ; c2017Availability: Items available for loan: High School Library [Call number: Cir 709 Ar751 2017] (1).

3. The football book : the leagues, the teams, the tactics, the laws / David Goldblatt and Johnny Acton

by Goldblatt, David | Acton, Johnny.

Publisher: London ; Dorling Kindersley Ltd. ; c2009Availability: Items available for loan: High School Library [Call number: Cir 796.334 G5649 2009] (1).

4. History : the definitive visual guide : from the dawn of civilization... / Adam Hart-Davis, ed. consultant

by Hart-Davis, Adam.

Publisher: London ; Dorling Kindersley Ltd. ; c2015Availability: Items available for loan: High School Library [Call number: Res 909 H62954 2015] (1).

5. The sewing book Alison Smith

by Smith, Alison.

Publisher: London : Dorling Kindersley Ltd., c2018Availability: Items available for loan: High School Library [Call number: Cir 646.2 Sm511 2018] (1).

6. Mandarin Chinese English visual bilingual dictionary / edited by Angeles Gavira and Angela Wilkes

by Gavira, Angeles, ed | Wilkes, Angela, ed.

Publisher: London Dorling Kindersley Ltd. c2018Availability: No items available Checked out (1).

7. Everyday sports injuries [diagnosis, treatment, and prevention]

Publisher: London Dorling Kindersley Ltd. c2010Availability: Items available for loan: High School Library [Call number: Cir 617.1027 Ev27 2010] (1).

8. The physics book big ideas simply explained foreword by Jim Al-Khalili.

by Al-Khalili, Jim.

Publisher: London Dorling Kindersley Ltd. c2020Availability: Items available for loan: High School Library [Call number: Cir 530 Al105 2020] (1).

9. The biology book big ideas simply explained

Publisher: London Dorling Kindersley Ltd. c2021 Dorling Kindersley LtdAvailability: Items available for loan: High School Library [Call number: Cir 574 B5215 2021] (1).

10. How economics works : the concepts visually explained / edited by John Andrews, et al.

by Andrews, John.

Publisher: London : Dorling Kindersley Ltd., c2024Availability: Items available for loan: High School Library [Call number: Cir 330 H8301 2024] (1).