Stilton, Thea,

Mouseford academy mice on the runway text by Thea Stilton ; illustrations by Chiara Balleello, Barbara Pellizzari, and Francesco Castelli ; translated by Julia Heim. - New York, U.S.A. : Scholastic Inc., C2016 - 112 pages : color illustrations ; 20 cm. - Mouseford Academy ; 12 .

Colette has been selected to plan a student-run fashion show at Mouseford Academy, and her friends the Thea Sisters rally around to help. There's a runway to build, fashion bloggers to invite, and clothes to design. And as usual, diva mouse Ruby Flashyfur has a plan to land herself in the spotlight. Will she succeed, or will Colette and the Thea Sisters come out on top? -- Back cover.

9781338052855 (paperback) 1338052853 (paperback)

Fashion shows


Fic. S8579m 2016 Bk.12