Hadaway, Bridget

The Bible for children Bridget Hadaway and Jean Atcheson - London Cathay Books. c1973. - 298 pages. col. ill. 30x21 cm.

The creation --
The garden of eden and the serpent --
Cain and Abel --
The flood --
The tower of babel --
The promise to abram --
Abram and Lot --
Lot's wife --
Abram's vision --
Isaac and Rebecca --
Jacob and Esau --
Jacob's ladder --
Jacob and Rachel --
Jacob and Esau become friends again --
Joseph and his brothers --
Joseph in potiphar's house --
Pharaoh's dreams --
Joseph's brother's in Egypt --
Jacob goes to Egypt --
The Famine --
The birth of Moses --
Moses in Midian --
The voice from the burning bush --
Pharaoh and the Israelites --
The plagues of Egypt --
The institution of the passover --
The night of the passover --
The crossing of the red sea --
The Israelites find food --
The water from the rock --
The defeat of the Amelekites --
Jethro advises Moses --
The ten commandments --
The ark of the covenant --
The making of the golden calf --
The renewed promise --
The departure from sinai --
The twelve spies --
The king of Edom --


Bible stories for children

Ref. 220.9505 H125b 1973