Flannery, Sean.

The zebra network / Sean Flannery. - New York : William Morrow and Co. Inc., c1989. - 384 p. ; 25 cm.

CIA network supervisor David McAllister disappears from a lonely Moscow street and is spirited to the dreaded Lubyanka Centre. In the scenes that follow, author Sean Flannery lays out McAllister's ordeal with the skill of a surgeon. As days blur to night, the journeyman agent, trained to resist even the most determined interrogator, meets his match ... and something more. Suddenly McAllister is freed to a CIA babysitting team at Shermeteeyevo, but the questions begin. Is he a loyal American or has he been turned? Bereft of family and friends McAllister is on the run during the coldest winter of his life, possessing some terrible knowledge. If only he knew what it was.


United States. -- Central Intelligence Agency -- Fiction.
Spies & Political Thrillers.

Fic F61z 1989