Nadin, Joanna.

Everybody hurts: more hope, more heart, more fool you. by Joanna Nadin and Anthony McGowan. - Atom, an imprint of Little, Brown Book Group London c2017. - 342 p.

Matt and Sophia live in the same city, but they come from opposite sides of the track. By rights they should never have met. They definitely should never have fallen in love at first sight, of all cliches. But, to their great surprise, they do. That's the easy part. It's what to do next that they struggle with. Friends, family and circumstance are mostly against them. They betray themselves; then they betray each other. And in the end they learn, the hard way, what it takes for love to survive. It's true what they say. Everybody hurts sometimes. But sometimes, too, the pain is worth it.


Romance fiction.
Young adult fiction.

Fic N125 2017