Reader’s Digest

Strange worlds amazing places a grand tour of the most exciting places on earth Reader’s Digest - London The Reader’s Digest Association Ltd. c1994. - 432 p.

Mont Blanc -- Frasassi Caves -- Great Western Erg -- Namib Desert -- Galápagos Islands -- San Andreas Fault -- Grand Canyon -- Meteor Crater -- Rainbow Bridge -- Monument Valley -- Petrified Forest -- White Sands -- Badlands -- Surtsey -- Alhambra -- Mont St-Michel -- Assisi -- Neuschwanstein -- Delphi -- Mycenae -- Knossos -- Hagia Sophia -- Troy -- Tomb of Tutankhamun -- Jerusalem -- Petra -- Mecca -- Takht-i Sulaiman -- Samarkand -- Taj Mahal -- Potala -- Shwe Dagon Pagoda -- Angkor -- Forbidden City -- Great Wall of China -- Teotihuacán -- Copán -- Machu Picchu -- River Nile -- Red Sea -- Ganges -- Galápagos Rift -- Great Barrier Reef -- Ross Ice Shelf -- Milford Sound -- Casiquiare Waterway -- Sargasso Sea -- Amazon River -- Iguaçu Falls -- Blue Holes -- Strokkur -- Giants of the Hills -- Stonehenge -- Carnac -- Chartres -- The Externsteine -- Giza -- Great Zimbabwe -- Hong Kong -- Uluru (Ayers Rock) -- Easter Island -- Earth Mounds -- Nazca Lines -- Mazes and Labyrinths -- Haleakala Crater -- Giant's Causeway -- Metéora -- Mount Ararat -- Cappadocia -- Nefta Oasis -- Great Rift Valley -- Kilimanjaro -- Vale of Kashmir -- Himalayas -- Mount Fuji -- Shenandoah Valley -- Camelot -- Avalon -- Elsinore -- Atlantis -- Shangri-La -- Garden of Eden -- El Dorado.


Landforms -- Pictorial works.
Natural monuments.
Natural monuments -- Pictorial works
Historic sites.
Historic sites -- Pictorial works.
Geographical myths.
Geographical myths -- Pictorial works.
World History.

Cir 551 R226 1994